A Study on the Viewpoints of Human Body in Yangmingxue(陽明學) and Phenomenology 체육철학 : 양명학(陽明學)과 현상학(現象學)에서의 신체관(身體觀) 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
36(3) 9-18, 1997
A Study on the Viewpoints of Human Body in Yangmingxue(陽明學) and Phenomenology 체육철학 : 양명학(陽明學)과 현상학(現象學)에서의 신체관(身體觀) 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is comparing and researching the viewpoints of a human body in Yangmingxue(陽明學) and the phenomenology.
Concerning the viewpoints of a human body, the subject of this study, Yangmingxue´(陽明學) emphasizes the importance of the body movements by Zhiliangzhi(致良知), which are practically and concretely realized by Lia´ngzhr(良知), the basic concept of the philosophy.
According to phenomenology, on the other hand, a human body, is prescribed as a mediator between the human consciousness and the world. Also a human body is understood not as a physical entity but as ‘A Living Body’, abd set up to be the center of the whole world.
Regardless of the limits of time, societies, cultures, and territories, these two points of view on a human body show that the core of the philosophies lies in the value of a human body.
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A Study for Reform-Thesis of the Phase on sports and Physical Education in the Theory of Physical Education 체육철학 : 體育敎育論에 있어서 스포츠와 體育에 대한 位相 再定立을 위한 硏究
36(3) 19-29, 1997
A Study for Reform-Thesis of the Phase on sports and Physical Education in the Theory of Physical Education 체육철학 : 體育敎育論에 있어서 스포츠와 體育에 대한 位相 再定立을 위한 硏究
This study came to a conclusion by examine a meaning and a limitation closely through consideration for thesis of it as pure ‘noema’ in physical education.
We have thought a means or a tool inseparably for completion of humen education, but the educational meaning in physical education more and more have showed a boundary of many blind points or a inclusion-domain in variety of physical activities and these extension ; besides, we have known what this ‘physical education’ and ‘physical education-education’ have had many problems in grammar.
For these problems, I judgemented must to be promise what make a noumenon of sports clear. I could sought that the meaning of competition in sport’s definition is an appearing phenomenon with certification-process of superiority in equity, and the meaning of sports itself had considerable inclustion in etymological examination. I could confirmed that sport have a surplus energy held a total phenomenon of physical activities in this part, and I made a limitation of terminology clear by demonstration of the educational meaning’s boundary in physical education. These conceptions were ‘morality(Do)’, ‘Zen’ and ‘Peak experience’ etc.
In this way, I made use of Husserl’s phenomenology to conquest a limitation of the terminology’s vagueness of ‘physical education itself and to made its meaning distinetly. In the first stage of this philosophical meaning ‘the shape-restoration (eidetische Reduktion)’ I could sought an essential element ‘physical movement (Woon Dong)’ in total physical activities, and in the second stage phenomenal restoration (phanomenologische Reduktion), I found out a room to sought the pure physical core by phenomenal surplus. In results from reasioning the intrinsic essence, I have known an actual fact ‘competition’. This competitive factor was an intrinsic nature. For being the core could included all of physical facts, I could identified that it have a representative character.
Therefore, for the formative frame of this competitive factor was a noematic-pure the object body, we must do raise to higher status a phase of ‘sports’ from present conception. In educational process encouraging this sports, also we could have a object of fully functioning person. For that reason, a scientific name of ‘physical education’ must be revise the phases to a conception of lower rank from present status. For this did, these physical activities with competitive meaning must be expressed ‘Competition(Kyong Ki)’ and, also scientific name must be thesis to ‘Athletics(Kyong Ki Hak)’ with conception or expression, meaning and phase etc, from present theory.
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The Relationship between Life Sports Participation and Housewives Mental Health 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 주부의 정신건강의 관계
36(3) 33-45, 1997
The Relationship between Life Sports Participation and Housewives Mental Health 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 주부의 정신건강의 관계
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between life sports participation and housewives' mental health.
For the purpose of the study, mental health was observed in four broad dimensions : stress control, depression, trait anxiety, and state anxiety.
Using a stratified random sampling method, 621 housewives of the age above 20 were selected from June to September, 1996. Finally 570 housewives(286 life sports participants and 284 non-participants) were analysed as subjects for collecting data.
Mental health was measured by the questionnaire based on the previous studies. MCA, ANCOVA, and MRA methods were used in order to test each hypothesis.
The conclusions were drawn as follows ;
1. There were significant differences in all dimensions of the mental health between life sports participants and non-participants.
2. There was no significant difference in all dimensions of the mental health according to types of the life sports participation.
3. There was a negative relationship between the intensity of the life sports participarion and housewives’ stress control.
There was a negative relationship between the duration of the life sports participation and housewives' depression and trait anxiety.
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The Effect of the Organized Sport Participation on Life Satisfaction among Adults 스포츠사회학 : 조직 스포츠 참가가 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김범식KimBeom-Sig , 김관훈KimKwan-Hoon
36(3) 46-55, 1997
The Effect of the Organized Sport Participation on Life Satisfaction among Adults 스포츠사회학 : 조직 스포츠 참가가 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김범식KimBeom-Sig , 김관훈KimKwan-Hoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the organized sport participation and life satisfaction among adults. A causal model with variables related to the organized sport participation was established for the objectives of this study.
The data used for path analysis of the causal model were collected by a self-administered questionnaire. The sample was drawn from 383 membership in public or private sport centers located in Seoul, they were selected by the method of random sampling.
The statistical methods to analyze the data in this study were Pearson`s correlation, multiple regression and path analysis.
Based on the procedures and result of the study, the conclusions were as fellows:
1. Gender, education, income, and adolescent`s perceived capacity should be influential variables on life satisfaction.
2. Education, adolescent`s perceived capacity, and the degree of participating in sport of spouse should have positive influence on the motivation of participating in sport.
3. The motivation of participating in sport should have influence on the satisfaction with participating in sport.
4. The satisfaction with participating in sport should have influence on life satisfaction.
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The Relationship between Participation in Sport for All Program and Social Network among Housewives 스포츠사회학 : 주부의 생활체육 참가와 사회연결망의 관계
임번장LimBurn-Jang , 이홍구LeeHong-Goo
36(3) 56-65, 1997
The Relationship between Participation in Sport for All Program and Social Network among Housewives 스포츠사회학 : 주부의 생활체육 참가와 사회연결망의 관계
임번장LimBurn-Jang , 이홍구LeeHong-Goo
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the relationship between participation in sport for all program and social network among housewives.
The subjects are divided by two groups : 180 participants and 200 non-participants in sport for all program.
The data collected from questionnaire designed for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
Statistics employed the study to data analysis were covariance analysis.
The findings of this study were as follows;
First, Participation in sport for all program have a influence on the contact size of social network among housewives. Namely, Participants in sport for all program of housewives showed greater the contact size than non-participants.
Second, Participation in sport for all program have a influence on the contact frequency of social network among housewives. Namely, Participants in sport for all program of housewives showed greater the contact frequency than non-participants.
Third, Participation in sport for all program have a influence on the intimacy degree of social network among housewives. Namely, Participants in sport for all program of housewives showed greater the intimacy degree than non-participants.
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The Effect on Motor Learning as a Function of Task Characteristic and Feedback Forms 스포츠심리학 : 과제 및 피드백 형태에 따른 운동학습 효과
36(3) 69-76, 1997
The Effect on Motor Learning as a Function of Task Characteristic and Feedback Forms 스포츠심리학 : 과제 및 피드백 형태에 따른 운동학습 효과
The purpose of this research is to investigate how to effect of motor learning is affected by characteristics of task and feedback forms.
Two experiments were undertaken with externally-paced task in order to solve this question empirically. In the first experiment one group out of three was given sightly feedback, auditory feedback while the other was not. In the second experiment, the same method was used but on the self-paced task to see feedback effect.
In order to analyze the variation of result is carried out to compare ANOVA(repeated measure of analysed) and SNK test.
The result show the were change as follows : In experiment I , there was not significant difference in performance both in acquisition and retention stage to each groups. But in experiment II, given the feedback groups had better performance in acquisition and retention stage.
These results altogether suggested that augemented feedback was crucial in learning a self-paced task while it was not for the case of an externally-paced.
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The Role of Vision on Coordination and Control of Drop Landing Movement 스포츠심리학 : 낙하동작의 협응과 제어에 대한 시각의 역할
김현경KimHyun-Kyung , 고영규KoYoung-Gyu
36(3) 77-86, 1997
The Role of Vision on Coordination and Control of Drop Landing Movement 스포츠심리학 : 낙하동작의 협응과 제어에 대한 시각의 역할
김현경KimHyun-Kyung , 고영규KoYoung-Gyu
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of vision on the characteristics of coordination and control of drop landing movement. Experimental conditions consisted of vision and no vision conditions. During drop the segment motion were sagittally recorded with shuttered video camera recording at 60 video fields per second. Kinematic data for the ankle, knee, and hip joints angle were digitized, smoothed, differentiated. Angle-angle plot and phase plane were produced from the kinematic data of the joints. Angle-angle plots were used to describe the coordination pattern, while phase planes were used to represent the control characteristics of individual joint. The experimental result revealed that the topological patterns of angle-angle plot and phase plane were not different between two vision conditions. These results indicated that the vision did not operate as an organism constraint on drop landing movement. Although the vision did not change the coordination and control pattern of the total drop movement, it influenced the control characteristics of body joints at landing. That is, when the vision was not used, the flexion of ankle joint and the peak velocity of knee flexion increased. These results suggested that when the vision was not allowed, one achieved the task and safety goal in drop landing through the compensatory movement of the hip and knee joints.
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The Comparison of Isokinetic Muscle Function among Judo , Westling , and Sireum in High School Players 스포츠 생리학 : 고등학교 씨름 , 유도 , 레슬링 선수들의 등속성 근기능 비교
36(3) 89-101, 1997
The Comparison of Isokinetic Muscle Function among Judo , Westling , and Sireum in High School Players 스포츠 생리학 : 고등학교 씨름 , 유도 , 레슬링 선수들의 등속성 근기능 비교
In this study, the isokinetic muscular strength, power, and endurance of wrestling, Judo, and Sireum players were measured for the purpose of comparing the specificity of muscle function among them.
The subjects of this study consist of 18 high school players, and each group equally has 6 players. According to pretest interview and informed consent, they were considered homogeneous in their training status and career.
The measurement was performed by use of Cybex 770, and the joint motion selected were knee flexion/extension, shoulder internal/external rotation in 90° abduction, and trunk flexion/extension. The angular velocity and repetition were 60°/sec × 5, 120°/sec × 8, 18°/sec × 30 for knee flexion/extension and shoulder internal/external rotation in 90° abduction, and 60°/sec × 4, 90°/sec × 4, 120°/sec × 8 for trunk flexion/extension.
For statistical analysis, one-way independent groups ANOVA and Bonferroni were used. α=.05 was choosed for the significance level.
With above method and procedure the results as following was obtained;
1. The peak and average torque per body weight of knee flexion/extension were appeared lower in Sireum group than in wrestling and Jude group at all angular velocity. But flexion to extension ratio was highest in Sireum group at all angular velocity.
2. In shoulder internal/external rotation in 90° abduction isokineticn there were no statistical differences among 3 groups at all angular velocity.
3. In trunk flexion/extension, isokinetic muscular functions were appeared higher in wrestling and Sireum groups than in Jude group at all angular velocity.
In conclusion, it was believed that isokinetic muscle function of 3 types of players was likely to be specific for their events-like movement pattern.
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Influence of vinegar-drink with persimmon on oxygen trassport function and recover capacity in exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 감식초 투여가 장시간 운동시 산소운반 및 피로회복능력에 미치는 영향
Influence of vinegar-drink with persimmon on oxygen trassport function and recover capacity in exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 감식초 투여가 장시간 운동시 산소운반 및 피로회복능력에 미치는 영향
We examined the effects of sports-drink with persimmon-vinegar on physiological response during exercise and recovery phase. The subjects were eight male middle distance runners, and exercise protocol was performed with 45 min treadmill running and 85% VO₂max intensity. High density of vinegar intake group showed a lower heart rate during exercise and recovery phase than placebo group. In the change of blood lactate concentration, high density of vinegar intake group showed a significant lower values at 5 min, 15 min, and 20 min during exercise than placebo group. In the recovery rate of blood lactate after exercise, high density of vinegar intake group showed a significant higher values than placebo group. In the change of ratio of oxyen uptake to minute ventilation during exercise, high density of vinegar intake group showed a higher values than placebo group. In these results, intake of sports-drink with persimmon-vinegar give rise to the activation of effective oxygen transport function during exercise and recovery of exercise-induced fatigue.
Key Words
persimmon-vinegar, heart rate, blood lactate
The Effect of Exercise Training and Low Calory Diet on Weight Loss and Body Fat Distribution in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 운동과 식이요법이 비만여성의 체중감량과 체지방 분포에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Exercise Training and Low Calory Diet on Weight Loss and Body Fat Distribution in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 운동과 식이요법이 비만여성의 체중감량과 체지방 분포에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body fat distribution and weight loss in obese women. In this study, we evaluated changes in body fat distribution as defined by several anthropometric criteria during a 12 week weight reduction program in 21 obese women(mean age 32.86±6.56 years). The Measurements increased body weight, circumferences of chest, abdomen, waist, forearm, upper arm, hip, thigh, and carf, and skinfolds of chest, suprailiac, triceps, subscapular, abdomen, thigh, and minaxillary. The standardized regimen included a mixed diet of 1200㎉/day and three of weeks exercise program of 90min duration. The mean weight loss was 9.96±10.34㎏, decreasing % Body Fat(4site) from 43.39±2.45 to 38.61±3.02%(P<.01). The results were as followings;
1. Three was the highest correlation between reduction of triceps skinfold and weight loss(r=.83, P<.01)
2. Three was the highest correlation between reduction of abdomen circumference and weight loss(r=.88, P<.01)
3. Three was significant correlations between changes of both WHR and WHE, and weight loss(r=.74, r=.75, P<.01)
4. There was more decreased peripheral skinfold(triceps, thigh) than central skinfold (chest, subscapular, midaxillery, abdominal, suprailiac) in the weight reduction program.
5. There was more increased central circum- ference(abdominal, waist, chest) than peripheral circumference in the weight reduction program.
6. Three was more significant decreased body circumference than skinfold in abdomen in weight reduction program and correlates with degree of weight loss(P<.01).
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Effects of Exercise on Resting Metabolic Rate and Hormonal Changes in Paraplegics 스포츠 생리학 : 운동이 장애인의 안정시 대사량에 미치는 영향과 호르몬의 변화
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exercise on Resting Metabolic Rate(RMR) and thyroid hormonal(T3, T4, TSH, and Free T4) changes in paraplegics. The subjects of the present study were divided into four groups: 10 trained paraplegia who were wheelchair tennis players(TP), 10 untrained paraplegia(UP), 6 untrained quadriplegia(UQ), and 10 untrained ablebody(UA) people.
The body composition(weight, height, % body fat, fat free mass) and RMR of all subjects were measured. The RMR was measured early in the morning following a 12-hour fast using the canopy system with ventilation hood. Blood samples were collected from the anticubital vein to investigate thyroid hormonal changes.
All the RMR values were expressed as absolute value(㎉/day), absolute value/FFM (㎉/day/FFM), and absolute value/BSA(㎉/m2/hr), and we also calculate predicted RMR value minus actual RMR value. There were significant differences in age, case history, height, weight, % body fat, and fat free mass among the groups(p< .05), but there was no significant differences in BSA among the groups(p >.05). Also, there were significant differences in RQ, resting oxygen consumption, actual RMR value, predicted RMR value minus actual RMR value, RMR expressed as BSA, and RMR expressed as FFM among the groups(p<.05).
Among the anthropometric factors, FFM highly correlated(r=0.749) with actual RMR value, and also the thyroid hormone T3 values highly correlated(r=0.374) with RMR changes. We also examined the hormonal changes according to the case history, level of spinal cord lesion, and age. There were significant TSH differences in case history and there were significant T3 differences in the age. Also, there were significant T3, T4, TSH, and Free T4 difference in the level of spinal cord lesion.
In trained paraplegics group, differences in predicted RMR value minus actual RMR value was small, so actual RMR value in trained paraplegics group was higher than that of other paraplegics group. Also, trained paraplegics group showed higher RMR expressed as BSA and FFM than that of untrained paraplegics group. Therefore, we can conclude that exercise increases RMR in paraplegics. Also we suggested that RMR data in paraplegics might be a useful indicator for physiological characteristics of obesity in paraplegics and a useful predictor for other paraplegics related symptoms.
Furthermore, RMR data might be a useful index for paraplegics exercise prescription in view of energy balances, and an essential part to emphasize the need of exercise for paraplegics. Thyroid levels are closely related to metabolism, but, there may be many additional factors that effect metabolism. Thus, further study is needed in this area.
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Effects of Movement by weight Training Model in the Nucleolar organizer Region Activity and Histochemical Fiber Types of the Rat Tibialis Anterior muscle. 스포츠 생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성과 근섬유 형태에 미치는 효과
36(3) 140-149, 1997
Effects of Movement by weight Training Model in the Nucleolar organizer Region Activity and Histochemical Fiber Types of the Rat Tibialis Anterior muscle. 스포츠 생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝 모델에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근의 핵소체 형성부위 활성과 근섬유 형태에 미치는 효과
This study was to investigated the nucleolar organizer region(NOR) associated protein by means of silver chloride staining and muscle fiber types in sections stained for SDH in the tibialis anterior muscle loaded with movement by klitgaard`s weight training model.
Ag-NOR technique is a indirect measure of the ongoing transcriptional activity of the rRNA gene or their activity. The number of Ag-NORs sites within nucleus may reflect protein synthetic activity and proliferation.
Thirty spraque-Dawley adult female rat(190-200g) were divided into control and 3 experimental groups were trained for 1.2.3 months.
Body weight and muscle weight measured at 1. 2. 3 month. The removed muscle fixed by immersion, and processed for light microscopy.
The result were as follow;
1. Body weight were slowly increased, in experimental group, but muscle weight were step by step increased with the lapse of time of training
2. After movement, The mean number of nucleolar organizer regions per nucleus were significantly increased at 3 month in tibialis anterior muscle.
3. The percent of nucleus include 4 Ag-NOR or more was increased with the lapse of time of training.
4. In muscle fiber types, type A were decreased and type C were significantly increased with the lapse of time of training
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Approximate Exercise Intensity in Figure Skate Learning for the Ice-Skating Data 스포츠 생리학 : 피겨 스케이팅의 운동강도 추정 - 빙상학습 활성화 방안 -
장인현ChangIn-Hyun , 전윤수JeunYoun-Su , 안나영AhnNa-Young
36(3) 150-160, 1997
Approximate Exercise Intensity in Figure Skate Learning for the Ice-Skating Data 스포츠 생리학 : 피겨 스케이팅의 운동강도 추정 - 빙상학습 활성화 방안 -
장인현ChangIn-Hyun , 전윤수JeunYoun-Su , 안나영AhnNa-Young
The aim of this research was to provide the degree of exercise intensity for the figure skate learning. In order to measure the exercise intensity in figure skating, we selected 20 subjects in Taegu city whose ages are from 10 to 22. The regression formula was made on the basis of HR and VO₂ which were obtained from the maximal work load test. HRs in each performance in the figure skating such as compulsory figure, step, spin, jump, crossing, and forward skating were measured, and in order to measure VO₂ and energy cost, they were applied to the regression.
The results obtained in this research are as followings.
1. The regression formula for the beginner`s class and trained class are Y=0.332525X - 23.930072 (r² = .92), and Y=0.398921X - 30.458237 (r² = .94) respectively.
2. The exercise intensity for the beginners was between 38.97 %VO₂max and 91.53 %VO₂max, and the average was 61.73 % VO₂max.
3. The exercise intensity for the trained was between 52.46 %VO₂max and 89.48 %VO₂max, and the average was 69.54 %VO₂max.
From the above data, we can conclude that minimal exercise intensity should be about 50 %VO₂max and the maximal about 80 %VO₂max.
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The Changes of Creating Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase after Pitching Performance to Incomplete and Complete Recovery Condition 스포츠 생리학 : 완전 회복 및 불완전 회복 조건에 따른 운동수행후 젖산 탈수소효소 동위효소와 크레아틴 키나아제의 변화
36(3) 161-170, 1997
The Changes of Creating Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase after Pitching Performance to Incomplete and Complete Recovery Condition 스포츠 생리학 : 완전 회복 및 불완전 회복 조건에 따른 운동수행후 젖산 탈수소효소 동위효소와 크레아틴 키나아제의 변화
The purpose of study is know physiological response which can be occurred during pitching of baseball game, and in the purpose of inverstigationg what kind of change show in case of second pitching followed by complete recovery or incomplete recovery after first pitching. Subjects threw 14 times in each of the 9 innings for a total of 126, at 20-second intervals. They rested for 6 minutes between the innings. The number of pitches and intervals were derived from the average statistics of regular high school baseball games in Korea. The velocity of pitches was checked by a speed gun and the subjects were instructed to maintain the maximal speed. Twenty high school baseball players were randomly divided into two groups of pitchers, incomplete recovery group(Group A, N=10) and complete recovery group(Group B, N=10). As the measurement result of experiment, the mean and standard deviation was obtained by SAS of personal computer, ANOVA with repeated measure of each measurement value and multiple range test of Scheffe according to that was taken significant level was established within level of p<0.05.
The following results were obtained: Subjects recovered completely only after 96 hours of rest, but only insufficiently 24 hours of rest. Isozymes of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) in the incomplete recovery group are somewhat higher than those in the complete recovery group. The amount of creatine kinase(CK) did not result in any significant difference between the two groups. The complete recovery group showed an increase in lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) after 4 innings, but after six minutes of rest before starting the 5th inning, It fell to the previous level. The lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) level was restored to its normal level in 72 hours for the incomplete recovery group, but only 48 hours for the complete recovery group. Consequently, the time difference between 24 hours recovery and 96 hours recovery for baseball pitching affects the release of creatine kinase and the difference of recovery times, also affects muscle soreness or pitching speed. Accordingly, to maximize a revelation ability repetitedly is the most important matters for the pitcher, This should be tried to improve even in a training program.
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The Relationship between Sports Activity and Duty Achievement of Secondary School Teacher. 스포츠 교육학 : 중등교사의 스포츠 활동과 직무성과의 관계
36(3) 173-187, 1997
The Relationship between Sports Activity and Duty Achievement of Secondary School Teacher. 스포츠 교육학 : 중등교사의 스포츠 활동과 직무성과의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between participation of sports activity and duty achievement include duty stress, organization devotion, duty satisfaction.
Independent variable of this study was indirect participation and direct participation of sports activity.
The whole participation used questionnaire of Yim, Beon-Jang(1986), duty stress used questionnaire of Lee, Jong-Mok(1988), duty satisfaction used questionnaire of Smith(1969), and organization devotion used questionnaire of Mowday & stress(1979).
Dependent variable of this study was divided duty achievement, and life guidance achievement.
The subjects were 1390 secondary school teachers in Inchon.
The questionnaire was self-estimate method and hand out subjects who want to response.
The data was analyzed by SPSSx of Inha University and results as follows;
1. There was significant relationship between direct participation of sports activity and teaching achievement and life guidance achievement in a supervisor`s conflict factor and task characteristic factor.
2. There was significant relationship between direct indirect participation of sports activity and life guidance achievement in pay factor, a supervisor`s conflict factor and co-worker factor.
3. There was significant relationship between direct-indirect participation of sports activity and teaching achievement and life guidance achievement in object and worth factor of organization, confidence and affection factor of organization, sacrifice and devotion factor of organization.
4. There was no significant relationship between duty stress and devotion.
Key Words
A Study on the Effects of Class Size and duration on the Golf Swing and Putting of the Female College Students 스포츠 교육학 : 골프강좌의 개설특성에 따른 학습효과에 관한 연구
36(3) 188-196, 1997
A Study on the Effects of Class Size and duration on the Golf Swing and Putting of the Female College Students 스포츠 교육학 : 골프강좌의 개설특성에 따른 학습효과에 관한 연구
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the possible differences of golf swing and putting skills of female collegiate students. The subjects of this study included 113 students those who were attended three different classes that the research lectured. More specifically, three different classes that contained distinct characteristics in terms of class size and teaching period were sampled in order to meet the purpose of this study. They were 19 intensive summer golf class students, 42 student groups that were partioned 3 different classes, and 52 normal class students.
major statistics utilized for the analyses of this study were analysis of variance and Scheffe′`s post hoc test. Findings of this study indicated that instructing the golf class with small and intensive class or portioned class type was the most efficient methodology in golf class. Within its limitations, this study came to conclusion that the most efficient teaching class size is small enough to facilitate teacher and student feedback and communication. Along with that further direction for the golf class of female collegiate students was discussed.
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The Survey of the Acrobatics Education Curriculum in the Elementary School - Focus on the 6th Gym Education Curriculum - 스포츠 교육학 : 초등 체육 교육과정에 제시된 기계운동의 교육내용 고찰 - 제6차 체육 교육과정을 중심으로 -
36(3) 197-209, 1997
The Survey of the Acrobatics Education Curriculum in the Elementary School - Focus on the 6th Gym Education Curriculum - 스포츠 교육학 : 초등 체육 교육과정에 제시된 기계운동의 교육내용 고찰 - 제6차 체육 교육과정을 중심으로 -
This research is prepared to compare the difficulty of the text and analyze the appropriateness of the lessons in the elementary school gymnastics curriculum-the classical difficulties in the 5th and 6th educational curriculum. The results are as following.
First, the 5th and 6th gym education contents are not properly composed to the level of the elementary students.
Second, compared with alloted time tables, current gym education contents contain too much activities.
Third, the contents of the gymnastics curriculum should be replaced with difficulty-adjusted skill units which considered the variety and difficulty of the tasks.
Fourth, individual differences in student`s ability, aptitude, needs and interests should be considered in the next level-oriented curriculum with can maximize individuals` potential and effectiveness of instruction.
Key Words
A Research on the Parents' Satisfaction Degree of Gymnastic Facilities for the Autistic Children 특수체육 : 자폐아의 체육시설 이용에 관한 부모의 만족도 연구
김기영KimGi-Young , 서연태SuhYoun-Tae , 오광진OhKwang-Jin
36(3) 213-220, 1997
A Research on the Parents' Satisfaction Degree of Gymnastic Facilities for the Autistic Children 특수체육 : 자폐아의 체육시설 이용에 관한 부모의 만족도 연구
김기영KimGi-Young , 서연태SuhYoun-Tae , 오광진OhKwang-Jin
This research aims at finding what is to be improved in case the autistic children use the gymnastic facilities by comparing and analyzing their parents` satisfaction of the facilities in view of gymnastic facilities, gymnasts and programs. Ninety-seven parents of the autistic children who reside in Seoul and Kyunggi area as of September of 1996 have been sampled. The questionnaire is composed of total forty questions on the basis of Han Woojin`s Questionnaire (1994): nineteen questions related to the facilities, twelve questions to the gymnasts, and nine questions to programs. These questions are measured by Likert Scale and are to be answered immediately by self-administered questionnaire.
Data are analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA using the SPSSWIN Program, and in case of slight difference in question, by multiple comparison test. According to the above analyzing method, the result is come as follows;
The satisfaction degree is shown in the order of gymnasts, programs, and facilities. To be concrete it shows significant difference in facilities according to the age and the occupation of the parents, and it makes light difference according to the occupation of parents in gymnasts, to the level of education in programs.
Key Words
The Study of Comparison in Sport for all Administration Worked the Prior and the after Local Autonomy - With 15 Cities and provinces as the Central Figure - 스포츠행정 경영 : 지방자치 전 · 후의 생활체육행정 비교 연구 - 15개 시 · 도를 중심으로 -
고연화KoYeon-Hwa , 김혁출KimHyeok-Chul
36(3) 223-232, 1997
The Study of Comparison in Sport for all Administration Worked the Prior and the after Local Autonomy - With 15 Cities and provinces as the Central Figure - 스포츠행정 경영 : 지방자치 전 · 후의 생활체육행정 비교 연구 - 15개 시 · 도를 중심으로 -
고연화KoYeon-Hwa , 김혁출KimHyeok-Chul
The democratization and liberalization in the symbol of the local autonomy have characteristic that people directly take a chance to participate in politic. According to the sports of democratization is professedly for Sport for All with local autonomy.
After our local autonomy worked, the Sport for All 15 cities and provinces are desired to change in the way.
The study of comparison as the central figure in Sport for All project organizations, facilities, program, expenses investment etc.
This study reach a following conclusion.
1. According to the recent survey by the Ministry of Culture and Sports(문화체육부), local administrations under the bureau of Home Affaire(내무국) retitled as the bureau of Culture and Sports(문화체육국) in November 22, 1993, is in change of sports affairs in 13 cities and provinces(시•도) except for the Seoul Metropolis and Cheju Island. After the enforcement of the local self government(지방자치) the district administrations(지방행정) were operated in 15 cities and provinces as follows; Seoul, by the Section of Social Development under the Bureau of Home Affairs; Pusan, by the Section of Citizen Cooperation under the Bureau of Home Affairs; Daegu and Daejeon by the Section of Sports Development under the Bureau of Culture and Sports;
Incheon, Ghwangju, Ghyung-ghi, Chungnam, Jeonbuk and Jeonnam, by the Section of Sports and Youth under the Bureau of Culture and Sports; Chung buk and Ghyungnam, by the Section of Cultyr and Sport under the Bureau of Culture and Tourist Service Ghangwon, by the Section of Sports and Youth under the bureau of Tourist Service and Culture; Cheju, by the Section of Culture and Sports under the Bureau of Tourist Service and Culture.
2. Comparing the prior and the after the periods of enforcement of the local self-government, there are some changes in public sport facilities. They are as follows; Seoul`s sports facilities decreased the most from 10.5% to 7.1%, the decreased rate is 3.4%. Pusan`s increased from 2.6% to 3.1%, a difference of 0.5%. Daegu`s decreased from 2.8% to 2.3%, a difference of 0.5%. Incheon`s decreased from 2.9% to 2.8%, a difference of 0.1%. Ghwangju`s decreased from 1.3% to 1.1%, a difference of 0.2%. Daejeon`s has not changed. Ghyung-ghi`s decreased from 21.6% to 19.0%, a difference of 2.6%. Ghangwon`s decreased from 8.1% to 7.5%. Chungbuk`s decreased from 4.4% to 4.0, a difference of 0.4%. Chungnam`s decreased from 4.4% to 4.1%, Jeonbuk`s decreased from 4.9% to 4.5%, a difference of 0.4%. Jeon-nam`s decreased from 5.8% to 5.6%, Ghyungbuk`s increased from 6.0% to 6.6%, Ghyungnam`s increased the most from 10.2% to 20.6%, even a difference of 10.4%. Cheju`s decreased from 13.3% to 10.4% a difference of 2.9%. Now we will put numbers and percentages of the public sports facilities from the highest to the lowest. Before the enforcement of the local self-government Seoul possessed 749 items, the highest percentage of 28.6%, Ghyung ghi had 352, percentage of 13.4%. Ghyungnam had 230, percentage of 8.8%. Jeon-nam had 180, percentage of 6.9% And after the enforcement of the local self-government Seoul possesses 697, decreased, a difference of 52, 19.2% in total. Ghyung - ghi has 481, 13.2%. Ghyungnam 402, 11.1%. Before and After the enforcement of the local self- government, though the rates of possessing the public sport facilities have changed, the orders have not.
3. Though the number of participants and the amount of cost in local sports program have increased, but the number of classes in Children`s Physical Fitness Class and Youth`s Physical Training Class has not.
4. In the case of Life Sports Class the number of classrooms increased a difference of 34.1%. The number of participate decreased a difference of 2.0%. The number of leaders decreased a difference of 77.7%. The total sum of working expenses increased, a difference of 35.9%. The number of operated events(종목) increased, even a difference of 1.96%, the number of used facilities increased very much a difference of 62.25%.
5. The pure local funds for local sports in 15 cities and provinces before the enforcement of the local self-government are as follows . The order is from the highest to the lowest Jeonnam expended the most which was 3,220 won, Chungbuk 3,186 won, Seoul 2,993 won Ghwangju 1,176 won, Ghyungnam 901 won, Jeonbuk 900 won and after the enforcement of the local self-government as follows; The order is from the highest to the liwest Chungbuk 5,759 won, Jeonnam 4,448 won, Ghwangju 3,826 won, Jeonbuk 1,519 won, Ghyungnam 1,510 won, Cheju 1,171 won, Seoul 1,004 won.
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The Influence of sport Sponsorship Activities on Purchasing Behavior of University Students 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠 스폰서십 활동이 대학생의 구매행동에 미치는 영향
36(3) 233-240, 1997
The Influence of sport Sponsorship Activities on Purchasing Behavior of University Students 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠 스폰서십 활동이 대학생의 구매행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of sponsorship activities on purchase behavior of college students. For this study, 231 students of D and K universities were selected. Convenience sampling method was used and questionnaire was written self-administration method. Factor analysis was used for validity test. As a result of factor analysis, 3 factors such as corporate, consumer, and sport event were classified. Reliability was examined with Cronbach`s α test. Reliability coefficients of 3 sub-factors related to sponsorship were .5790-.8237. Reliability coefficient of purchase behavior was .7761.
The multiple regression analysis was used for data analyzing. The results of this study were as follows;
First, enhancement of corporate promotion and image has an affection on the purchase behavior.
Second, acquisition of consumer`s trust has an affection on the purchase behavior.
Third, contribution of sport event has an affection on the purchase behavior.
The results were discussed.
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The Relationship between Involvement and Purchase Behavior of Ski Goods Consumer 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키용품 소비자의 관여도에 따른 구매행동 요인 분석
36(3) 241-247, 1997
The Relationship between Involvement and Purchase Behavior of Ski Goods Consumer 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키용품 소비자의 관여도에 따른 구매행동 요인 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between involvement and purchase behavior of ski goods consumer. For this study, 280 skiers were selected. And self-administration method was used for sampling. One-way ANOVA analysis was used for data analyzing. The results of this study were as follows;
First, there was not significant difference between three types of involvement and satisfaction of purchase.
Second, there was not significant difference between three types of involvement and ingredient of purchase.
Third, there was significant difference between three types of involvement and information of purchase.
Fourth, there was significant difference between three types of involvement and intention of purchase.
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The Historical Analysis of Golf Policy and the Policy Alternative 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프 정책의 변화 추이와 정책 방향
36(3) 248-256, 1997
The Historical Analysis of Golf Policy and the Policy Alternative 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프 정책의 변화 추이와 정책 방향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the historical change on the golf policy and to provide the policy alternatives. This study assumed that there are sociocultural implications and consequences resulting from the golf. A method of description and evaluation called immanent critique was applied for the interdisciplinary approach to analyze the golf policy. This method seeks to evaluate and judge the policy. Based on the immanent critique, the policy was historically divided by four stages. Finally, the paper suggests four alternatives for the golf policy in the future; pro-environmental policy, pro-regional policy, pro-mass policy, and future-oriented policy.
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The Relationship between Socio-Economic Characteristics and Organizational Health among the Employee of Sport Center 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠센터 직원의 사회인구학적 특성과 조직건강성의 관계
The Relationship between Socio-Economic Characteristics and Organizational Health among the Employee of Sport Center 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠센터 직원의 사회인구학적 특성과 조직건강성의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare differences of Organizational Health of the Sports Center(OHSC) by gender · age · education · rank · each of sports center. Specifically, there were to examine the difference of OHSC according to gender, age, education, rank.
The subjects on this study were employees(M:159, F:128) of the Sports Center in Seoul.
The questionnaire used on this study was Sports Center Organizational Health questionnaire. This is a modification of the administration Organizational Health questionnaire developed by Lee Meong Jae.
The reliability of the questionnaire was Cronbach` α = .8855 ∼ .9197.
The statistics used on in this study were as follows;
First, Frequency was used to analyze Organizational Health of Sports Center.
Second, t-Test was used to analyze differences of Organizational Health Sports Center by gender, rank.
Third, oneway ANOVA was used to analyze differences of Organizational Health Sports Center by age, education, each sports center.
The results of this study were as follows;
First, The organizational health of Sports Center was differentiated by gender. Male(3.2243) showed greater organizational health score than Female(3.0028).
Second, The organizational health of Sports Center was differentiated by age. In sub-fator, only Job Satisfaction showed difference.
Third, The organizational health of Sports Center was not differentiated by education. The graduate showed greater organizational health Score than college, high school. In all sub-factor differences were not found.
Fourth, The organizational health of Sports Center was not differentiated by rank. Middle class showed greater organizational health score than Low class. In sub-factor, only Cohesiveness showed difference.
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The Relationship Between Leisure Satisfaction and Teachers Participant Base on Lueschen's Types of Leisure Activity 여가 레크리에이션 : Lutzin의 여가활동 유형에 따른 교사의 여가참여와 여가만족의 관계
강효민KangHyo-Min , 이종영LeeJong-Young
36(3) 271-280, 1997
The Relationship Between Leisure Satisfaction and Teachers Participant Base on Lueschen's Types of Leisure Activity 여가 레크리에이션 : Lutzin의 여가활동 유형에 따른 교사의 여가참여와 여가만족의 관계
강효민KangHyo-Min , 이종영LeeJong-Young
This study investigated the relationship between leisure satisfaction and teachers participant base on Lueschen’s types of leisure activity. The subjects of this study were 323 teachers in middle and high schools. They were selected by the multi-staged stratified cluster random sampling method. The types of leisure activity was used Lutzin’s 5 types of leisure activity. Leisure Satisfaction Scale(LSS) developed by Beared & Ragheb(1980) was used for measuring the leisure satisfaction of this study. To analyze the collected data, ANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis, were used.
The findings obtained from the above analysis of data are as followings.
First, there are difference between socio-demographic characteristics of teachers and leisure satisfaction. Second, teachers’s physical, cultural, and natural types of leisure activity have positive influence on psychological leisure satisfaction. Third, teachers’s physical, cultural, natural, and mental types of leisure activity have positive influence on educational leisure satisfaction. Fourth, teachers’s physical, social and natural types of leisure activity have positive influence on social leisure satisfaction.
Fifth, teachers’s physical and natural types of leisure activity have positive influence on leisure satisfaction. Sixth, teachers’s types of leisure activity have positive influence on physiological leisure satisfaction. Seventh, teachers’s types of leisure activity have positive influence on environmental leisure satisfaction.
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Application of IRT to Equating of Volleyball Serve Skill Test Scores 체육측정평가 : 배구(排球) 서브 기능검사(技能檢査) 점수(點數)의 동등화(同等化)를 위한 IRT 적용(適用)
고기환GoKi-Hwan , 강상조
36(3) 283-295, 1997
Application of IRT to Equating of Volleyball Serve Skill Test Scores 체육측정평가 : 배구(排球) 서브 기능검사(技能檢査) 점수(點數)의 동등화(同等化)를 위한 IRT 적용(適用)
고기환GoKi-Hwan , 강상조
In this study, male high school sophomore students were employed as the subjects (under serve 200, side serve 200, front serve 200) to perform the three different volleyball serve skill tests. The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data to develop the effective volleyball serves skill test by analyzing the difficulty of volleyball serves skill and 10 trials of multiple attempts through equating the true value of three different types of volleyball serves skill tests using IRT model.
IRT model used in an analysis of volleyball serve skill tests in this study was Rasch 1-parameter model. The following equation for equating was also used:
Therefore, the following conclusions from results were drawn:
1. In an analysis of the bionominal volleyball serve skill tests Ranch 1-parameter model used in this study indicates the goodness of fit values in all trials at the criterion of standardized posterior residuals 2.0.
2. The comparison of volleyball serve skill tests employed between a classical test theory and an IRT as the similar results, but the accurate difficulty parameter, maximum information approximately and difficulty in according to subject`s ability which is unable to analyze in the classical theory could be computed in this study.
3. In three different types of volleyball serve skill tests, the maximum information approximately of -.6250 in under serve, the maximum information approximately of -.3750 in side serve and the maximum information approximately of .1250 in front serve are effective to discriminate the subject`s ability level.
4. Among 10 multiple attempts of the different volleyball serve skill tests, the difficulty parameter of .014 at 1st trial decreased -1.055 at 9th trial in under serve skill test. In side serve skill test the difficulty parameter of .218 at 1st trial decreased -1.054 at 9th trial but increased .836 at 10th trial. This means the action of practice and fatigue upon human body. Therefore, in binominal volleyball serve skill test requiring the accurate test, it was desirable to measure the subject`s ability with 8th and 9th trial.
5. Same subjects was performed by the three different types of volleyball serve skill tests and each score was equated. That is, the score of 0.712657 in under serve test and the score of 0.227808 in the front serve test were the equated score which was based on the criterion score of 0.217634 in side serve.
In summary, the test production and interpretation method using an IRT could provided measurement more accurate and reliable than using a classical theory in many physical activities.
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Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Research Articles Submitted to KAHPERD in 1995 and 1996 체육측정평가 : 한국체육학회지의 심사결과에 대한 정량적 및 정성적 평가 분석
36(3) 296-311, 1997
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Research Articles Submitted to KAHPERD in 1995 and 1996 체육측정평가 : 한국체육학회지의 심사결과에 대한 정량적 및 정성적 평가 분석
The primary purpose of this study was to determine how judges evaluate research articles submitted in 1995 and 1996. An additional purpose of this study was to analyze how judges make subjective critiques of research articles.
Two hundred and eight-three research papers requested from various researches during 1995-1996 were used as a sample for this study. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches used to satisfy my research questions. The quantitative data were collected by using the formal evaluation form of KAHPERD. The qualitative data were collected by means of judges` subjective evaluation on a second side evaluation form.
This study showed that an A grade research papers totalled 23.0%; B grade papers were 52.1 % ; C grade were 18.4%; D grade were 5.8%; and F grade were 0.6%. The reject rate was 13.0% in the 1995 and 17.2% in 1996. Inter judge reliability in the reject evaluation between two judges was .71 and .61 using Cronbach`s alpha level. The main shortcomings of the submitted papers which were indicated by judges were poor discussion sections. Moreover, the main reasons for rejection were poor adherence to research guidelines and inadequate discussion. In conclusion, approximately 70% of the total research articles evaluated were found to be acceptable for publication "as is" or after minor revisions. On the other hand, only 30% of the total were found to be either unacceptable for publication or in need of major revisions to merit publication.
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The Relationships among Dance Role Learning, Locus of Control, and Stress Control 무용 : 무용 역할학습과 통제소재 및 스트레스 통제의 관계
36(3) 315-325, 1997
The Relationships among Dance Role Learning, Locus of Control, and Stress Control 무용 : 무용 역할학습과 통제소재 및 스트레스 통제의 관계
This study was attempted to analyze and evaluate the relationships among dance role learning, locus of control, and stress control.
The data were collected from 454 subjects (252 sophomores majoring dance and 202 students) in 8 universities located in Seoul from April 28th, 1997 to May 10th.
Locus of control was measured by the scale based in Cha(1973), and stress control was measured by Allen and Hyde(1980), and Lee(1994)`s scales.
Multiple classification analysis, analysis of covariance, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and simple regression analysis methods were used in order to test the each hypothesis.
The results are summarized as follows ;
1. There was no significant difference in locus of control between dance participants and non-participants.
There was a significant difference in stress control between dance participants and non-participants. The former had a lower level than the latter in stress control.
2. There was no significant difference in locus of control and stress control according to types of dance role learning.
3. There was a positive relationship between the frequency of dance role learning and locus of control, but no relationship between the degree(intensity, frequency, duration) of dance role learning and stress control.
4. There was a positive relationship between locus of control and stress control of dance participants.